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Transformational Learning Principles

Reimagining Learning Using 8 Core Principles for Enhancing Student Success.

The Transformational Learning Principles™ are endorsed by:



While centered on instructional interactions and approaches, the Principles provide a frame of reference for leaders and school communities for supporting teachers and students in the process of reimagining learning.

We recognize the amazing work educators do every day to improve student learning in the face of systemic and historical challenges. When implemented thoughtfully, these principles will support and advance their work.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Transformational Learning Principles (TLPs) are a set of evidence-based guidelines highlighting the most essential elements of effective learning. Bringing together core ASCD and ISTE concepts and informed by learning science, they are a key part of our organizational mission and vision. They also bring focus and a common language to our collaborative efforts with schools and educators to ensure all students have access to impactful and joyful learning experiences.

We recognize the amazing work educators do every day to improve student learning in the face of systemic and historical challenges. When implemented thoughtfully, these principles will support and advance their work.



Cultivate Belonging

Educators prioritize relationship building in physical and virtual spaces. They strive to create learning cultures that ensure students’ safety and belonging and foster life skills such as empathy, creativity, and collaboration.

Connect Learning to the Learner

Educators hold high expectations for all students and tailor instruction to meet students’ individual needs and interests. They use differentiation strategies and impactful technology tools to embrace learner variability, increase engagement, and advance progress toward mastery.

Ensure Equity

Educators are responsive to students’ cultural and developmental contexts. They celebrate and build on students’ identities, strengths, and voices. They reduce barriers to meaningful and challenging learning, especially for students from historically marginalized backgrounds.



Spark Curiosity

Educators connect content and skills to students’ prior knowledge, experiences, and passions to spark curiosity and inspiration. Technology is used to create new pathways for student engagement and enable students to express knowledge, skills, and attributes in a variety of ways.

Develop Expertise

Educators use evidence-based practices to ensure students learn and develop essential skills and knowledge. They frame learning around key conceptual understandings, use multiple modes of presentation and inquiry, model skills, and prioritize intentional practice.

Elevate Reflection

Educators use a variety of data and tools to provide timely and specific feedback to students that helps them understand how to improve and encourages critical thinking. Students are given time and support to reflect on, learn from, and apply feedback. They monitor their own progress and set goals.

ASCD+ISTE Empower symbol, which is a graphic of two people giving each other a high five.


Prioritize Authentic Experiences

Educators create opportunities for students to apply and extend their learning in meaningful, real-world contexts. They facilitate authentic performance-based projects and assessments that elevate students’ roles as designers, creators, collaborators, and problem-solvers.

Ignite Agency

Educators use a mix of learner-led approaches and flexible learning formats to encourage student agency and exploration. Students have opportunities to follow their own intellectual pursuits, take risks, make discoveries, challenge assumptions, and build enduring learning skills.

or this version with them fully open



  • Cultivate Belonging. Educators prioritize relationship building in physical and virtual spaces. They strive to create learning cultures that ensure students’ safety and belonging and foster life skills such as empathy, creativity, and collaboration.
  • Connect Learning to the Learner. Educators hold high expectations for all students and tailor instruction to meet students’ individual needs and interests. They use differentiation strategies and impactful technology tools to embrace learner variability, increase engagement, and advance progress toward mastery.
  • Ensure Equity. Educators are responsive to students’ cultural and developmental contexts. They celebrate and build on students’ identities, strengths, and voices. They reduce barriers to meaningful and challenging learning, especially for students from historically marginalized backgrounds.
View the Top PD Sessions
  • Understanding By Design® framework
    (UbD™ Lead: Jay McTighe)
  • Curriculum Audit/Program Review
  • Lesson and Unit Planning
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Curriculum Mapping

Understanding by Design is a registered trademark of Backward Design LLC, and UbD is a trademark of Backward Design LLC.



  • Spark Curiosity. Educators connect content and skills to students’ prior knowledge, experiences, and passions to spark curiosity and inspiration. Technology is used to create new pathways for student engagement and enable students to express knowledge, skills, and attributes in a variety of ways.
  • Develop Expertise. Educators use evidence-based practices to ensure students learn and develop essential skills and knowledge. They frame learning around key conceptual understandings, use multiple modes of presentation and inquiry, model skills, and prioritize intentional practice.
  • Elevate Reflection. Educators use a variety of data and tools to provide timely and specific feedback to students that helps them understand how to improve and encourages critical thinking. Students are given time and support to reflect on, learn from, and apply feedback. They monitor their own progress and set goals.
View the Top PD Sessions
  • Differentiated Instruction
    (Lead: Carol Tomlinson)
  • The Framework for Intentional and Targeted (FIT) Teaching
    (Leads: Doug Fisher & Nancy Frey)
  • Gradual Release of Responsibility
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Assessment and Grading Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
  • Learning Sciences Strategies to Inform Instruction
  • Using Data to Improve Learning Outcomes


  • Prioritize Authentic Experiences. Educators create opportunities for students to apply and extend their learning in meaningful, real-world contexts. They facilitate authentic performance-based projects and assessments that elevate students’ roles as designers, creators, collaborators, and problem-solvers.
  • Ignite Agency. Educators use a mix of learner-led approaches and flexible learning formats to encourage student agency and exploration. Students have opportunities to follow their own intellectual pursuits, take risks, make discoveries, challenge assumptions, and build enduring learning skills.
View the Top PD Sessions
  • Leadership Programs (Principal, Instructional, CAO)
  • Helping Leaders Build Teacher Capacity
  • Instructional Rounds
  • Coaching, Mentoring, and Classroom Observation
  • Team Teaching/Co-Teaching
  • Professional Learning Community (PLC) Development
  • New Teacher Induction Programs To Support Teacher Learning and Growth

As you review the Principles, thoughtfully consider the following:
  1. What does transformational learning mean to you?
  2. In what ways do these principles align with your own experiences of transformational learning, either as an educator or as a learner?
  3. Which principle(s) do you feel most needs attention in your school, classroom, or other learning environment?
  4. What steps could you take to provide greater focus and support in connection with this principle(s) in your work?

About the Transformational Learning Principles

The Transformational Learning Principles came to fruition as ASCD+ISTE reflected on how to best serve all educators in designing the future of education to ensure every student’s success and joy in learning. We developed the Principles to align and inform our products and services and to guide strategic decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Transformational Learning Principles?

The Transformational Learning Principles are a set of evidence-based guidelines that highlight the most essential elements of effective learning. Informed by learning science and bringing together core ASCD and ISTE concepts, they are designed to bring focus and a common language to the shared work of ensuring all students have access to impactful and joyful learning experiences.

How are they different from other teaching and learning frameworks?

The Principles are easily digestible and unbiased, and they set forth a vision for learning that is both whole child-oriented and innovative. They are designed to inspire school leaders and learning communities by providing a compelling and coherent framework for supporting more engaged learning.

If they are applicable to education leaders, why are the Principles focused on instructional interactions and approaches as opposed to leadership practices or strategies?

Teaching and learning are at the heart of transformational education. By spotlighting elements and contexts of impactful instruction, the Principles provide a frame of reference for leaders and communities for designing professional learning experiences, prioritizing improvement initiatives, and engaging teachers and students in the process of reimagining learning.

How do we know these principles are sound?

The Principles are grounded in learning science and evidence-based practices and methodologies. More than 15 learning experts and scholars reviewed and provided feedback at structured draft stages. Additional practicing educators and leaders affiliated with ISTE+ASCD also provided vetting and input.

Is ISTE+ASCD using the Principles?

Absolutely. We are using the Principles to align and inform our products and services and to guide strategic decision-making. They are a foundational part of our organizational mission and vision.

How can I make use of the Principles?

Leaders and school communities can use the Principles to prioritize areas for support and focus and to bring a common language to the work of reimagining teaching and learning. Teachers can use the Principles to reflect on their practice and identify gaps and areas of development. (ISTE+ASCD will soon be creating indicators and self-assessments to help guide educators in this work.) The Principles are an excellent source for professional learning discussion and planning, including whole learning-community engagement experiences.

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